What can we say about the Manifestos of 1614? Are they a joke, a deceit or a deep thought that can only be understood by those prepared to understand it? Many well-known people like Descarte and Leibniz believed in it. What is strange is that such publications have been able to stir some much controversy in 1614. Why so many written notes about them when they were only intended for a very limited public? It is obvious that they answered a need, an aspiration of the time in the middle of the war of religion. In this time of spiritual turmoil where one is afraid of being sent to the stake and where the heresy must be denounced these writings brought hope. Those who defended the Rosicrucian message made certain to say that they were not member of the fraternity. It is not important if we do not know the authors of the Manifestos as they are the expression of the current thought, the message of a society that want to be built on harmonious bases. Charity, faith and hope are virtues that mean love.
This research to improve society goes up to utopian creations and through alchemy. That century is keen on hermetic science probably in the hope to make gold, to cure all sicknesses and to find the elixir of long life. The main point is that man wants to save his soul and for this he is searching for his spiritual transformation. An alchemist is a believer and he prays in his language, that is called alchemy, as he is looking for the philosophical stone or, better, for the Light. This fraternity, that we know only through three manifestos full of allegories and symbols, mythical in its form, becomes more real that others that have a pass history, doctrines and rites. This spiritual creation is born from its own myth. This informal fraternity that had no recognised members, no meeting place, no rite, has induced other human groups to create other types of organisations. These secondary organisations, whose creation is due to the abstract thoughts of the “Rose-Croix”, were founded on solid basis and followed, in general, very strict rules. It can be said that in this way Reality has been generated from Abstraction. (q)
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