This section is sub-divided into the following chapters:
- 1 Demography of Contemporary Populations
- 2 The League of Haudenosaunee or of the Five Iroquois Nations
- 3 United States
- 4 Canada
- 4.1 20th Century
- 4.2 First and Second World Wars
- 4.3 Late 20th Century
- 4.4 1969 White Paper
- 4.5 Health Transfer Policy
- 4.6 Elijah Harper and the Meech Lake Accord
- 4.7 Women’s Status and Bill C-31
- 4.8 Erasmus-Dussault Commission
- 4.9 Early 21st Century
- 4.10 Canadian Crown and First Nations Relations
- 4.11 Political Organisation
- 4.12 Assembly of First Nations / National Indian Brotherhood
- 5 Mexico
- 6 South and Central America
- 7 A Short History of the Indians Tribes