1. Arundel in 1785
(Ref. Plan of the Borough of Arundel of 1785)
Orchard Place did not exist at that date and King Street was known as Panets Pond Lane. There were about five houses in Panets Pond Lane and certainly not ours.
2. Arundel in 1792
(Ref.: Universal British Directory of Trade, Commerce and Manufacture, West Sussex, 1792 – microfiche; The Universal British Directory, 1793/98 -Book)
Mayor: Thomas White (F)
Custom House: Thomas Broad, Comptroller
Churches: – Holy Trinity (Anglican), Rev. John Carr (or Bart); Rev. William Groome; Rev. Robert Neale (boarding school).
– Fitzalan Chapel (Catholic)
Schools: – Anglican Boarding School, Rev. Robert Neale
– Boarding Schools: Mary and Martha Blanch
Elizabeth Phillips
Physicians: -John Byafs, Surgeon;
-Thomas Wickham, Surgeon.
Law: -William Henly, Attorney
-James Holmes, Attorney.
Banks: – Charles Bushley and Sons
– Shaft, Robinson, Shaft and Co.
The post arrived everyday at 11.00 and left at 15.00
There is a stagecoach for White Horse, Fetter-Lane and London three times a week (William keen and Co., Proprietor).
A Cross Country Coach from Portsmouth to Brighton goes through Arundel both ways three times a week. The total distance is 48 miles and the fare is 14s 6d.
There was also Carter’s wagon from London once a week.
Arundel’s Taverns and Public Houses: Not found any
Victuallers managed by:
-James Champion
-Edward Elliot
-Thomas Farrel
-William Lucas
-John Macklin
-John Pullin
-Thomas Smith
Arundel’s Hotels:
-Norfolk Arms Inn (hotel), George Blanch.
-Crown Inn, John Pell
-Edward Puttock
Wine Merchants:
-John Lane
-Thomas Robinson
A summary list of all the traders is to be found in Table “ArundelStreets – 1792”
3. Arundel in 1822
(Arundel Borough Archive P4/1,2)
According to that map King Street existed at that date but not Orchard Place. There does not seem to have any houses on King Street but the map is not clear and does not prove anything.
4. Arundel in 1828
(Ref.: Directory of Sussex, Pigot, 1828 – microfiches)
Arundel was a Borough and market Town (Borough by prescription). Two MP, at that time Alderman Atkins and F. Lombe junior, represented it in the Parliament. Arundel was governed by a Mayor (chosen annually), 12 Burgesses, 2 Constables, 2 Portreeves, 2 Ale conners, 2 Leather Searcher and 2 sergeants at Mace. Arundel was a busy bonded port with a Customhouse. At the last census (1821) 1175 males and 1336 females (total 2511 people) lived in Arundel.
Churches: – Holy Trinity (Anglican), Rev. Edmund Cartwright
– Fitzalan Chapel (Catholic)
– Meeting House for Quaker
School: – Charity School on the united plans of Bell and Lancaster
Banks: – Henty, Hopkins and Henty, High Street
Theatre: one
Post Office: W.H. Lucas, Postmaster. The post arrives at 08.00 and leaves at 17.30.
Custom House: Jeremiah Lear, Collector
John Wilson, Comptroller
Attorneys: – Freeman and Calhoun, Tarrant Street
– Holmes William and Richard, Maltravers Street
Academies – Boarding: – For Gentlemen, one on Arun Street and two on
Tarrant Street
– For Ladies, one on Maltravers Street and one
on London Road
Insurance Agencies:
– County
– Globe Fire and Life, High Street
– Guardian
– Norwich Union Fire and Life, High Street
– Royal Exchange Fire and Life, Tarrant Street
– Sun Fire and Life, Tarrant Street
Arundel’s Taverns and Public Houses
-General Abercrombie, Queen Street, George Elliot
-King’s Arms, Tarrant Street, William Street
-Newburghs Arms, Tarrant Street, William stone
-Old Ship, King Street, Edward Elliot
-Red Lion Inn, High Street, Richard Pannet
-The Mary’s Gate Inn, London Road/King Street, Mary Glossop
-Swan, High Street, John Simpson
-Wheatsheaf Inn, Maltravers Street, John Hersee
-White Hart Inn, Queen Street, JAS Stallard
Arundel’s Hotels
-Norfolk Hotel, High Street, Thomas Newman
-Bridge Commercial Inn, Queen Street, George Young
-Crown Inn, High Street, Richard Ade
Coaches: – To London from Norfolk Arms, everyday
To Brighton, everyday
To Portsmouth/Southampton from Norfolk Arms, everyday
Carriers: – To London from bridge Inn, once a week
To Brighton, Worthing, Shoreham from the Swan, daily
To Chichester and Portsmouth, The Duke from King Street, twice a week
To Petworth and Boxall from the Newburgh Arms, once a week
Water conveyance: – To London, Guilford, Richmond, Kingston, Portsmouth and Chichester, every week.
A summary list of the traders is to be found in Table “ArundelStreets – 1828”
5. Arundel in 1831
(Ref. Ordnance Survey Map of Arundel, 1831. P.M. Arundel-140)
King and our house are there but no Orchard Place yet.
6. Arundel in 1839
(Ref. Pigot for Kent, Surrey and Sussex, book)
Town Clerk:
County Court:
Excise Office:
Custom House: John Wilson, Collector; John Bennett Comptroller
Police Station:
Inland Revenue: William Cooper, Maltravers Street, Collector of Taxes
Territorial Force:
Arundel and District Nursery and Emergency Hospital:
Churches: – Holy Trinity (Anglican), Rev. H.J. Parsons; Rev. Mark
Aloysius Tierney
– Fitzalan Chapel (Catholic)
– Independants’ Chapel
Schools: – National School (boys and girls), Tarrant Street, George
Biddle, Master and Mrs Biddle, Mistress.
PS: Other Academies and Schools:
Charles Barkshire, Tarrant Street
Mrs and Miss Boismaison (boarding), College House
Sophia Cooper, Maltravers Street
Mary Ann Crowther, High Street
Mary Hammond, Maltravers Street
Ann Hersee, Maltravers Street
Mary Knupp, High Street
William Smith (boarding), Tarrant Street
Railway Station: None
Post Office, Money Orders, telegraph Office, Savings Bank, Insurance Office:
– Tarrant Street, Charles Weller, Postmaster.
Insurance Agencies:
Alliance, High Street
Atlas, High Street
Globe, High Street
Norwich Union, High Street
Royal Exchange, Tarrant Street
Sun, Maltravers Street
Guardian, High Street
Banks: – Henty, Upperton, and Olliver)
– Hopkins and Drewitt, High Street
– Savings bank
Arundel’s Public Houses
-General Abercrombie, Queen Street, J. Boxall
-King’s Arms, Tarrant Street, Mrs Caroline Hersee
-Newburgh Arms, Tarrant Street, Thomas Cosens
-Old Ship, King Street, John Searle
-Red Lion Inn, High Street, Mrs Mary Morley
-St Mary’s Gate Inn, London Road, George Hunt
-Swan Hotel, High Street, James Milton
-Wheatsheaf Inn, Maltravers Street, unoccupied
-White Hart Inn, Queen Street, Richard Parish
-Black Rabbi, Offham, James Olliver
Arundel’s Hotels
-Bridge Commercial Inn, Queen Street, Phillip Sensier
-Crown, High Street, Thomas Cooper
-Norfolk Hotel, High Street, John Flood
Beer Retailers
Breweries, Wine and spirit
-George Constable, Swallow Brewery, Queen Street
-Osborn and Duke, Tarrant Street
NB: Bakers in King Street:
-Moses Burchell
-Thomas Fowle
7. Arundel in 1841
(Ref. Tithe Map, Census)
King Street and Orchard Place, as well as our house (plot 382) and old cottage (PLOT 436), are on this map. The land behind our house is seen on the plot 400 on the Tithe map of that year (Record Office, Chichester).
The owner/occupier is the Parish Officer and it is described as “Poor House Outbuilding Yard and Garden”. In other words, it belongs to the town and not to the Old Ship Inn.
Arundel’s Public Houses (Census 1841)
-Bridge Inn, Queen Street, Phillip Sensier, Publican, 45,
7 more people living in
-Crown Inn, High Street, Don Souter, Publican, 45, one
more person living in
-St Mary’s Gate Inn, London Road, George Hunt, Publican,
50, 6 more people living in
-White Hart Inn, Queen Street, John Boxall, Publican, 45,
16 more people living in.
-Ship Public House, Mrs Elizabeth Searle, Public House
Keeper, 50, 6 more people living in.
-King’s Arms, Tarrant Street, Mrs Caroline Hersee
-Newburghs Arms, Tarrant Street, William Lewis Burrell
-Red Lion Inn, High Street, William Souter
-Wheatsheaf Inn, Maltravers Street, John Turner
-Black Rabbit, Offham, James Olliver
In the 1841 Census our house was described as “Ship Public House” owned by Mr George Constable. There was no mention of “Old Ship Inn”. Mr Constable is also the owner of the “Swallow Brewery” and of five other Pubs/Public Houses in Arundel where he was Mayor in 1837. The property was rented to Mrs Elizabeth Searle who was the Landlord of the Ship Inn.
Arundel’s Hotels
-Norfolk Hotel, High Street, Thomas Cooper, Publican, 45,
29 more people living in.
-Swan Hotel, High Street, Richard Lillywhite, Publican,
60, 4 more people living in.
8. Arundel in 1845
(Reference: Kelly’s Sussex, 1845 -book)
The area covered by Arundel is about 1830 acres. The population at that time was estimated at 2624 people and the total Income Tax evaluation amounted to £11,645.
Town Clerk: George Balchin, Tarrant Street
County Court: Clerks to Magistrates, William and Richard Holmes
Excise Office:
Custom House: John Wilson, Collector and Comptroller
Police Station:
Inland Revenue:
Territorial Force:
Arundel and District Nursery and Emergency Hospital:
Churches: – Holy Trinity (Anglican), Rev. G.A.F. Hart; Rev. A.F.
Parsons; Rev. Mark Aloysius Tierney
– Fitzalan Chapel (Catholic)
Schools: – National School, Tarrant Street, George Biddle (or Bush),
Master and Mrs Biddle (or Bush), Mistress.
Railway Station: None
Post Office, Money Orders, telegraph Office, Savings Bank, Insurance Office:
– Tarrant Street, Charles Weller, Postmaster.
Insurance Agencies:
Alliance Fire and Life, High Street
Atlas Fire and Life, Maltravers Street
Clerical and Medical Life, Tarrant Street
Globe Fire and Life, High Street
London Co. Fire and Life, High Street
Norwich Union Fire and Life, High Street
Royal Exchange Fire and Life, Tarrant Street
Sun Fire and Life, Tarrant Street
Guardian, High Street
– Arundel Old Bank, High Street (Henty Upperton, Upperton
and Olliver
– London and County Banking Co., James Holmes Hopkins
Manager,High Street
– Savings Bank, William Smith, Actuary
Seminaries (boarding houses):
Mrs and Miss Boismaison, College House
Miss Sophia Cooper, Maltravers Street (day seminary)
Mrs Mary Crowther, High Street (day seminary)
Mrs Ann Hersee, Maltravers Street
Arundel’s Public Houses
-General Abercrombie, Queen Street, Thomas Smith
-Bridge Commercial Inn, Queen Street, Phillip Sensier
-Bull and Crown Inn, High Street, George Bull
-King’s Arms, Tarrant Street, Mrs Caroline Hersee
-Newburghs Arms, Tarrant Street, William Lewis Burrell
-Red Lion Inn, High Street, William Souter
-St Mary’s Gate Inn, London Road, George Hunt
-Wheatsheaf Inn, Maltravers Street, John Turner
-White Hart Inn, Queen Street, John Boxall
-Black Rabbi, Offham, James Olliver
Arundel’s Hotels
-Norfolk Hotel, High Street, Thomas Cooper
-Swan Hotel, High Street, Richard Lillywhite
Beer Retailers
High Street: -James King
Maltravers Street: -William Gale
Mill Lane: -William Geering
Tarrant Street: -Charles Roe
Breweries, Wine and spirit
-George Constable, Queen Street
-Osborn and Duke, Maltravers Street
A summary list of the traders is to be found in Table “ArundelStreets – 1845”. Mr Thomas Fowle was a baker in King Street.
9. Arundel in 1851
(References: Kelly’s Sussex, 1851, microfiche, and Directory of Sussex)
The area covered by Arundel is about 1830 acres. The population at that time was estimated at 2624 people and the total Income Tax evaluation amounted to £11,645.
Town Clerk: George Balchin
County Court: George Balchin, Tarrant Street
Excise Office: John Selden, Supervisor, Bridge Inn
Custom House: Daniel Gill, Collector
Police Station: Town Hall, John Peacock, Inspector
Inland Revenue:
Territorial Force:
Arundel and District Nursery and Emergency Hospital:
Churches: -Holy Trinity, Rev. G.A.F. Hart (Anglican)
-Fitzalan Chapel (Catholic)
Schools: – National School, Tarrant Street, William Smith, Master
and Mrs Smith, Mistress.
Railway Station:
Post Office, Money Orders, telegraph Office, Savings Bank, Insurance Office:
– Tarrant Street, Charles Weller, Postmaster.
Insurance Agencies:
Alliance Fire and Life, High Street
Atlas Fire and Life, Maltravers Street
Clerical and Medical Life, Tarrant Street
Globe Fire and Life, High Street
London Co. Fire and Life, High Street
Norwich Union Fire and Life, High Street
Royal Exchange Fire and Life, Tarrant Street
Sun Fire and Life, Tarrant Street
Western Life, High Street
Arundel Old Bank (Henty, Upperton, Olliver), High Street
London and County Banking Co., John Hemery, Manager, High Street
Savings’ Bank, George Biddle, Actuary, Tarrant Street
Arundel’s Public Houses
-General Abercrombie, Queen Street, John Richard
-Black Rabbit, Offham, James Olliver
-Bridge Commercial Inn, Queen Street, Henry Peters
-Crown Inn, High Street, George Bull
-King’s Arms, Tarrant Street, Mrs Caroline Hersee
-Newburghs Arms, Tarrant Street, William Burrell
-Red Lion Inn, High Street, Henry Dyer
-St Mary’s Gate Inn, London Road, George Hersee
-Wheatsheaf Inn, Maltravers Street, James Leshley
-White Hart Inn, Queen Street, John Boxall
Arundel’s Hotels
-Norfolk Hotel, High Street, Robert Garwood
-Swan Hotel, High Street, Richard Lillywhite
Beer Retailers
High Street: -James King
Maltravers Street: -William Gale
Mill Lane: -William Geering
Tarrant Street: -Sarah Roe (Mrs)
-Mark Jones
Breweries, Wine and spirit
-George Constable, Queen Street
-Osborn and Duke, Maltravers Street
A summary list of the traders is to be found in Table “ArundelStreets – 1851”
10. Arundel in 1852
(Reference: Post Office Directory of Sussex, 1852 -book)
The area covered by Arundel is about 1830 acres. The population at that time was estimated at 2624 people and the total Income Tax evaluation amounted to £11,645.
Town Clerk: George Balchin
County Court: George Balchin, Tarrant Street
Excise Office: John Selden, Supervisor, Bridge Inn
Custom House: Daniel Gill, Collector; Charles Ruddick, Comptroller
Police Station: Town Hall, John Peacock, Inspector
Inland Revenue:
Territorial Force:
Arundel and District Nursery and Emergency Hospital:
Churches: -Holy Trinity, Rev. G.A.F. Hart (Anglican)
-Fitzalan Chapel (Catholic)
Schools: – National School, Tarrant Street, William Smith, Master
and Mrs Smith, Mistress.
Railway Station:
Post Office, Money Orders, telegraph Office, Savings Bank, Insurance Office:
– Tarrant Street, Charles Weller, Postmaster.
Insurance Agencies:
Alliance Fire and Life, High Street
Atlas Fire and Life, Maltravers Street
Clerical and Medical Life, Tarrant Street
Globe Fire and Life, High Street
London Co. Fire and Life, High Street
Norwich Union Fire and Life, High Street
Royal Exchange Fire and Life, Tarrant Street
Sun Fire and Life, Tarrant Street
Western Life, High Street
-Arundel Old Bank, High Street
-London and County Banking Co,John Hemery, Manager, High Street
-Savings’ Bank, George Biddle, Actuary, Tarrant Street
Arundel’s Public Houses
-General Abercrombie, Queen Street, John Richard
-Black Rabbit, Offham, James Olliver
-Bridge Commercial Inn, Queen Street, Henry Peters
-Crown Inn, High Street, George Bull
-King’s Arms, Tarrant Street, Mrs Caroline Hersee
-Newburghs Arms, Tarrant Street, William Lewis Burrell
-Red Lion Inn, High Street, Henry Dyer
-St Mary’s Gate Inn, London Road, George Hersee
-Wheatsheaf Inn, Maltravers Street, James Leshley
-White Hart Inn, Queen Street, John Boxall
Arundel’s Hotels
-Norfolk Arms Hotel, High Street, Robert Garwood
-Swan Hotel, High Street, Richard Lillywhite
Beer Retailers
High Street: -James King
Maltravers Street: -William Gale
Mill Lane: -William Geering
Tarrant Street: -Sarah Roe (Mrs)
-Mark Jones
Breweries, Wine and spirit
-George Sefton Constable, Queen Street
-Osborn and Duke, Tarrant Street
11. Arundel in 1855
(References: Kelly’s Sussex and Sussex Directory, 1855 -book, mf)
The area covered by Arundel Parish is about 1830 acres. The population in 1851 was estimated at 2748 people and the total assessed Income Tax was fixed at £11,645. Arundel still has a Member of the Parliament. The workhouse had 38 inmates.
Town Clerk: Richard Holmes
County Court: James Walker, Clerk, Tarrant Street
Excise Office: Bridge Inn
Custom House: Robert James, Collector; Charles Rudwick, Comptroller
Inland Revenue:
Police Station: Town Hall, Maltravers Street, John Peacock, Inspector
Fire Station:
Territorial Force:
Arundel and District Nursery and Emergency Hospital:
– Holy Trinity (Anglican), Rev. G.A.F. Hart, Vicar
– Fitzalan Chapel (Catholic chapel). The Rev. Matthew Tierney
acted as Chaplain to the Duke of Norfolk
Schools: – National School, Tarrant Street. George Pugh, Master and
Mrs Pugh, Mistress
– Endowed Church of England National, Maltravers Street.
Master, James Richardson; mistress, Miss Klimpton; Infant
Mistress, Miss Sergeant.
– St Nicholas’ Middle Class (boys), E.S. Hall, Master.
– St Christopher Middle Class (girls), Miss Milner, Lady
– Catholic Church School, Edward Fulker, Master).
Railway Station: Joseph Willard, Stationmaster
Post Office, Money Orders, telegraph Office, Savings Bank, Insurance Office:
– Charles Weller, Tarrant Street.
Insurance Agencies:
Alliance Fire and Life, High Street
Atlas Fire and Life, Maltravers Street
Clerical and Medical Life, Tarrant Street
Globe Fire and Life, High Street
London Corporation Fire and Life, High Street
Norwich Union Fire and Life, High Street
Royal Exchange Fire and Life, Tarrant Street
Sun Fire and Life, Tarrant Street
Western Life, High Street
-Arundel Old Bank (Henty, Upperton and Olliver) High Street
-London and County Banking Co., John Hemery, Manager, High St.
-Savings’ Bank, William Smith, Actuary, Tarrant Street
Newspaper: The West Sussex Advertiser.
William Woods Mitchell, Printer and Publisher, High Street
-Church of England Working Men’s Society
-Catholic Church Working Men’s Society
Arundel’s Public Houses
-General Abercrombie, Queen Street, John Richard
-Bridge Commercial Inn, Queen Street, Henry Peters
-Crown Inn, High Street, George Bull
-King’s Arms, Tarrant Street, William Shepherd
-Newburghs Arms, Tarrant Street, William Burrell
-Old Ship, King Street, Edward Overington
-Red Lion Inn, High Street, Henry Dyer
-St Mary’s Gate Inn, London Road, George Hersee
-Swan, High Street, Charles Edwards
-Wheatsheaf Inn, Maltravers Street, James Lashley
-White Hart Inn, Queen Street, John Boxall
-Black Rabbit, Offham, James Olliver
Arundel’s Hotels
-Norfolk Hotel, High Street, Robert Garwood
Beer Retailers
High Street: -Charlotte Street (Mrs)
King Street: -Charles Ferrier
Maltravers Street: -William Gale
Park Place: -John Lancaster
Surrey Street: -Sarah Roe (Mrs)
Tarrant Street: -Charles Bone
-Caroline Hersee (Mrs)
-William Smith
-Edward Witham
Breweries, Wine and spirit
-George Constable, Queen Street
-Osborn and Duke, Tarrant Street (Maltravers?)
PS: William Allen and Thomas Fowle were bakers in King Street.
12. Arundel in 1861
(Ref.: Census)
In the 1861 Census Mrs Elizabeth Overington, Widow, 56 and living at what is now 25 King Street was described as “licensed victualler”. There is no mention of the Old Ship Inn.
13. Arundel in 1862
(Ref. Post Office Directory -mf)
Town Clerk: Richard Holmes
County Court: Richard Holmes, Clerk, High Street
Excise Office: Bridge Inn
Custom House: L. Shaw, Collector
Inland Revenue:
Police Station: Town Hall, Maltravers Street, John Peacock, Inspector
Fire Station:
Territorial Force:
Arundel and District Nursery and Emergency Hospital:
-St Nicholas (Anglican), Rev. G.A.F. Hart; Richard Francis
Tompkins, Tortington
-Fitzalan Chapel (Catholic chapel), Rev. John Butt, Priest and Chaplain to the Duke of Norfolk
-Chapel for Roman Catholics, Rev. John Butt, Priest
-Chapel for Independents, Tarrant Street
-Chapel for Primitive Methodists, Park Place
-Endowed Church of England National, Maltravers Street.
Master, James Ledger Bere; Mistress, Mrs Bere; Infant,
Arun Street, Mistress, Miss Shepherd.
Railway Station: (yes but no details yet.
Post Office, Money Orders, telegraph Office, Savings Bank, Insurance Office:
– James Broadbridge, High Street, Postmaster.
Insurance Agencies:
Alliance, Maltravers and Tarrant Street
Atlas Fire and Life, High Street
Church of England, Maltravers Street
County Hailstorm, High Street
Globe, High Street
Lancashire Fire and Life, Tarrant Street
Leeds and Yorkshire, Queen Street
London Assurance, High Street
Norwich Union, High Street
Royal, High Street
Royal Exchange, Tarrant Street
Royal Farmers, High Street
Sovereign, Tarrant Street
Sun Fire and Life, High Street
United Kingdom General Provident, Tarrant Street
Unity, High Street
Westminster, High Street
-Arundel Old Bank (Henty and Co., Bankers) High Street
-London and County Banking Co., High Street
-Savings’ Bank, Tarrant Street
Newspaper: The West Sussex Gazette.
William Woods Mitchell, Printer and Publisher, High Street
Arundel’s Public Houses
-General Abercrombie, Queen Street, John Richards
-Crown Inn, High Street, William Watte
-King’s Arms, Tarrant Street, William Corbet
-Newburgh Arms, Tarrant Street, William Lewis Burrell
-Old Ship, King Street, Elizabeth Overington (Mrs)
-Red Lion Inn, High Street, Henry Randall
-St Mary’s Gate Inn, London Road, George Hersee
-Swan, High Street, William Baker
-Wheatsheaf Inn, Maltravers Street, Frederick Lucas
-White Hart Inn, Queen Street, Stephen Kinchett
-Black Rabbit, Offham
Arundel’s Hotels
-Norfolk Hotel, High Street, Robert Garwood
-Bridge Inn, Queen Street, James Parris
Beer Retailers
King Street: -John Burchell
Maltravers Street: -James Daughtree
Mount Pleasant: -John Lancaster
Shipyard: -William Smith
-George Upfold
Surrey Street: -Sarah Roe (Mrs)
Tarrant Street: -John Burton
-Charles Ford
-Caroline Hersee (Mrs)
-William Wakeford
-Edward Witham
Breweries, Wine and spirit
-George Constable, Swallow Brewery, Queen Street
-Osborn and Duke, Tarrant Street
14. Arundel in 1870
(Ref.: Post Office Directory -mf)
Town Clerk: Richard Holmes
County Court: Richard Holmes, Registrar, Maltravers Street
Excise Office: Bridge Inn
Custom House:
Inland Revenue: Maltravers Street, George Sadler
Police Station: Town Hall, Maltravers Street, Daniel Smith, Inspector
Fire Station:
Territorial Force:
Arundel and District Nursery and Emergency Hospital:
-St Nicholas (Anglican), Rev. George Augustus Frederick Hart
-Fitzalan Chapel (Catholic), Rev. John Bute Chaplain to the Duke of
-Chapel for Roman Catholics, Rev. John Canon Bute; Rev.W.J. Hogan,
-Chapel for Independents, Tarrant Street, Rev. Henry Grange
-Chapel for Primitive Methodists, Arun Street
-Endowed Church of England National, Maltravers Street.
Master, James Richardson; Mistress, Fanny Richardson;
Infant Mistress, Eliza James.
Railway Station: William Simmins, Stationmaster
Post Office, Money Orders, telegraph Office, Savings Bank, Insurance Office:
– James Broadbridge, High Street, Postmaster.
Insurance Agencies:
Alliance, Maltravers and Tarrant Street
Atlas Fire and Life, High Street
Clerical, Medical and General, Tarrant Street
Commercial Union, Tarrant Street
County Hailstorm, High Street
European, Queen Street
General Hailstorms, High Street
General Provident, Tarrant Street
Home and Colonial Fire and Life, Tarrant Street
Lancashire Fire and Life, Tarrant Street
Leeds and Yorkshire, Queen Street
Liverpool, London and Globe, High Street
London Assurance, High Street
Northern Fire, Tarrant Street
Norwich Accident and casualty, High Street
Norwich Union, High Street
Railway Passengers, Tarrant Street
Royal Fire and Life, High Street
Royal Exchange, Queen Street
Royal Farmers, High Street
Sovereign Live, Tarrant Street
Standard Life, Old bank, High Street
Sun Fire and Life, Old Bank, High Street
United Kingdom General Provident, Tarrant Street
-Arundel Old Bank (Henty and Co., Bankers) High Street
-London and County Banking Co., High Street
-Savings’ Bank, Tarrant Street
Newspaper: The West Sussex Gazette.
William Woods Mitchell, Printer and Publisher, High Street
Arundel’s Public Houses
-General Abercrombie, Queen Street, John William Slatter
-Crown Inn, High Street, Henry Randall
-King’s Arms, Tarrant Street, Matthew Wilson
-Newburgh Arms, Tarrant Street, Charlotte Burrell (Mrs)
-Old Ship, King Street, Elizabeth Overington (Mrs)
-Red Lion Inn, High Street, Edward Witham
-St Mary’s Gate Inn, London Road, George Hersee
-Swan, High Street, Elizabeth Ellwood (Mrs)
-Wheatsheaf Inn, Maltravers Street, Frederick Lucas
-White Hart Inn, Queen Street, Stephen Kinchett
-Black Rabbit, Offham
Arundel’s Hotels
-Norfolk Hotel, High Street, Robert Batchelor Garwood
-Bridge Inn, Queen Street, George Tilly
-Railway Inn, William Atfield
Beer Retailers
King Street: -James Jones
Maltravers Street: -James Daughtree
Shipyard: -William Slaughter
Surrey Street: -Sarah Roe (Mrs)
Tarrant Street: -Edward Blackman
-John Burton
-Edwin Hopkins
-George Redman
-William Wakeford
Breweries, Wine and spirit
-George Sefton Constable, Swallow Brewery, Queen Street
-Osborn and Duke, Eagle Brewery, Tarrant Street
15. Arundel in 1871
(Ref.: Census)
In the 1871 Census Mrs Elizabeth Overington, Widow, 67 and living in what is now 25 King Street, is described as “Inn Keeper”.
16. Arundel in 1877
(Ref.: 25”/miles Survey Map of 1877 -First Edition)
Both King Street and Orchard Place as well as our house and old cottage are on this map.
17. Arundel in 1878
(Reference: Post Office Directory of Sussex, 1878 -book)
The area covered by Arundel Parish is about 2029 acres. The population at that time was estimated at 2956 people and the total Rateable Value amounted to £9169.
Mayor: William Woods Mitchell
Town Clerk: Richard Holmes
County Court: Maltravers Street
Excise Office: Bridge Hotel
Inland Revenue: High Street, Edward Fincher
Police Station: Town Hall, Maltravers Street, James Robertson, Superintendent.
Territorial Force:
Arundel and District Nursery and Emergency Hospital:
– St Nicholas (Anglican)
– Fitzalan Chapel (Catholic chapel)
– St Philip Neri (Catholic)
– Congregational Chapel
– Baptist Chapel
– Endowed Church of England National, Maltravers Street.
Master, James Richardson; Mistress, Miss Klimpton; Infant
Mistress, Miss Sergeant.
– St Nicholas’ Middle Class (boys), E.S. Hall, Master.
– St Christopher Middle Class (girls), Miss Milner, Lady Principal.
– Catholic Church School, Edward Fulker, Master.
Railway Station: Joseph Willard, Stationmaster.
Post Office, Money Orders, telegraph Office, Savings Bank, Insurance Office:
– High Street, James Broadbridge, Postmaster.
Insurance Agencies:
Alliance, Maltravers Street
Atlas, High Street
Liverpool, London and Globe, Maltravers Street
London Assurance, High Street
Royal Exchange, Maltravers Street
Sun, Old Bank, High Street
Commercial Union, Tarrant Street
Guardian, High Street
Sovereign Life, Tarrant Street
Banks: – Henty and Co., Bankers, High Street
– London and County Banking Co., High Street
– Savings Bank, Tarrant Street
-Church of England Working Men’s Society
-Catholic Church Working Men’s Society
Newspaper: The West Sussex Gazette.
Proprietors, William Woods Mitchell, Publisher
Arundel’s Public Houses
-General Abercrombie, Queen Street, Edward Slaughter
-King’s Arms, Tarrant Street, George Redman
-Newburghs Arms, Tarrant Street, Charlotte Burrell (Mrs)
-Old Ship, King Street, Elisabeth Overington (Mrs)
-Red Lion Inn, High Street, Edward Witham
-St Mary’s Gate Inn, London Road, George Hersee
-Swan, High Street, Elisabeth Elewood (Mrs)
-Wheatsheaf Inn, Maltravers Street, Allan Blackman
-White Hart Inn, Queen Street, Jane Kinchett (Mrs)
Arundel’s Hotels
-Norfolk Hotel, High Street, Charles Barkshire
-Bridge Hotel, Queen Street, George Tilly
-Railway Hotel, William Simmins
Beer Retailers
King Street: -William Sharp
Maltravers Street: -Jason Daughtree
Shipyard: -William Slaughter
Surrey Street: -James Slaughter
Tarrant Street: -Spencer Reed
-David Steadman
-Louisa Wakeford (Mrs)
Breweries, Wine and spirit
-George Sefton Constable, Swallow Brewery, Queen Street
-Henry Harrison, Eagle Brewery, Maltravers Street
18. Arundel in 1881
(Ref.: Census)
In the 1881 Census there was the Old Ship pub at what is now 25 King Street. The Landlady was Mrs Elizabeth Overington, 77, widow. The full list of people living there is to be found in “Part 2 – King Street”. The people living at 5 Orchard Place have also been identified (see Part 3, Orchard Place).
19. Arundel in 1882
(Ref. Kelly’s Directory -mf)
Mayor: Robert Edwin Roberts
Town Clerk: Richard Holmes
Town Hall: Maltravers Street
County Court: Maltravers Street, Richard Holmes, Registrar
Excise Office:
Inland Revenue: Maltravers Street, William Blanchard
Assessors and Collectors of Queen’s Taxes: Henry Sergant and George Burcher
Police Station: Town Hall, Maltravers Street, James Robertson, Superintendent.
Territorial Force: Sussex and Rifle Volunteers, King Street, Edwin Henty, Captain
Arundel and District Nursery and Emergency Hospital:
– St Nicholas (Anglican), Rev. Arthur Steinkopff Thompson
– Fitzalan Chapel (Catholic chapel)
– St Philip Neri (Catholic), Very Rev. Canon John Brett; Rev.
John Burke, Rev. James Keatinge, Rev. W. Herbert, Priests
– Congregational Chapel, Rev. Robert Halley
– Baptist Chapel
– Endowed Church of England National, Maltravers Street.
Master, John Ernest Cheek; Mistress, Miss Lowin; Infant
Mistress, Mrs Richardson.
– St Nicholas Middle Class (boys), James Richardson, Master.
– St Christopher Middle Class (girls), Miss Milner, Lady
– Catholic Church School, Edward Fulker, Master.
Railway Station: Joseph Willard, Stationmaster.
Post Office, Money Orders, telegraph Office, Savings Bank, Insurance Office:
– High Street, James Broadbridge, Postmaster.
Insurance Agencies:
Alliance, Maltravers Street
Guardian, High Street
Lion Fire and Life
Liverpool, London and Globe, Maltravers Street
Norwich Union Fire
Royal Exchange, Maltravers Street
Royal Farmers and General, Fire, Life and Hail, High Street
Sun, Old Bank, High Street
Sovereign Life, Tarrant Street
Standard Life
Westminster Fire
Banks: – Henty and Co., Bankers, High Street
– London and County Banking Co., High Street
– Savings Bank, Tarrant Street
Working Man’s Club and Reading Room, Park Place, Adolphus
Newspaper: The West Sussex Gazette.
Proprietor, Thomas Mitchell, Publisher and printer
Arundel’s Public Houses
-General Abercrombie, Queen Street, Edward Slaughter
-Black Rabbit, Offham, John Slatter
-King’s Arms, Tarrant Street, George Redman
-Newburghs Arms, Tarrant Street, Charlotte Burrell (Mrs)
-Old Ship, King Street, Elisabeth Overington (Mrs)
-Red Lion Inn, High Street, Thomas Witham
-St Mary’s Gate Inn, London Road, George Hersee
-Swan, High Street, James Stevens
-Wheatsheaf Inn, Maltravers Street, Allan Blackman
-White Hart Inn, Queen Street, Jane Kinchett (Mrs)
Arundel’s Hotels
-Norfolk Family and Commercial Hotel, High Street,
Charles Barkshire
-Bridge Hotel, Queen Street, Mrs Annie Tilly
-Railway Hotel, Osborn Bown, Causeway
Beer Retailers
King Street: -William Sharp
Maltravers Street: -Jason Daughtree
Shipyard: -William John Slaughter
-Richard Hulls
Surrey Street: -James Slaughter
Tarrant Street: -Thomas Clements
-Edwin Keys
-George Riddle
-Louisa Wakeford (Mrs)
Breweries, Wine and spirit
-George Sefton Constable, Swallow Brewery, Queen Street
-Lambert and Co., Eagle Brewery, … Street
Lodging Houses:
-High Street: Elizabeth Penfold (Mrs)
-Tarrant Street: William Glossop
20. Arundel in 1890
(Ref. Kelly’s Directory -mf)
Mayor: Edward Thomas Norris
Town Clerk: Richard Holmes
Town Hall: Maltravers Street
County Court: Maltravers Street, Richard Holmes, Registrar
Excise Office:
Inland Revenue: Maltravers Street, J.V. Henderson
Assessors and Collectors of Queen’s Taxes: Henry Sergant
Police Station: Town Hall, Maltravers Street, Thomas Patlock, Captain, 1 sergeant, and 2 constables
Fire Engine Station: Arundel Castle, George Heveningham, Captain, and
16 men
Volunteer Fire Brigade: Town Hall, Charles Bartlett, Captain, and 16 men
Territorial Force: Royal Sussex Regiment and Volunteer Battalion
Arundel and District Nursery and Emergency Hospital:
– St Nicholas (Anglican), Rev. Robert Fisher
– Fitzalan Chapel (Catholic chapel)
– St Philip Neri (Catholic), Rev. John Burke, Chaplain to the Duke of Norfolk; Rev. William Linnett, Rev. Thomas McMahon, Rev. Joseph Haynes, Priests
– Congregational Chapel, Rev. D.E. Williams, Minister
– Baptist Chapel
-Endowed Church of England National, Maltravers Street.
Master, James Richardson; Mistress, Miss Pope; Infant
Mistress, Mrs Richardson.
-Catholic School Mixed and Infants, Edward William Fulker, Master.
Railway Station: Joseph Willard, Stationmaster.
Post Office, Money Orders, telegraph Office, Savings Bank, Insurance Office:
– High Street, Fred W. Lockyear, Postmaster.
Insurance Agencies:
Banks: – Henty and Co., Bankers, High Street
– London and County Banking Co., High Street
– Savings Bank, Tarrant Street
– Working Man’s Club and Reading Room
Newspaper: The West Sussex Gazette, High Street.
Thomas Mitchell and Co., Publisher and Printer
Arundel’s Public Houses
-General Abercrombie, Queen Street, Edward Slaughter
-Eagle Inn, Tarrant Street, Otto Thomas Henry Behrens
-King’s Arms Public House, Tarrant Street, Alexander
-Newburghs Arms Public House, Tarrant Street, Thomas
-Old Ship Public House, King Street, Richard Blackman
-Red Lion Commercial Hotel, High Street, John Ellwood
-St Mary’s Gate Public House, London Road, Alfred James
-Swan Public House, High Street, James Stevens
-Wheatsheaf Public House, Maltravers Street, Samuel Hyatt
-White Hart Public House, Queen Street, John Forester
Arundel’s Hotels
-Norfolk Family and Commercial Hotel, High Street,
Charles Barkshire
-Bridge Hotel, Queen Street, Mrs Annie Tilly
-Railway Hotel, William Bridger Tee, Causeway
Beer Retailers
King Street: -William Sharp
Maltravers Street: -William Monk
Shipyard: -Jo. William Slaughter
-Richard Hulls
Surrey Street: -Jason Slaughter
Tarrant Street: -William Sermon
-Frank Slaughter
-Thomas Wakeford
Breweries, Wine and spirit
-George Sefton Constable, Swallow Brewery, Queen Street
-Lambert and Norris, Eagle Brewery, Queen Street
Lodging Houses:
-High Street: Adolphus Boxold
-Maltravers Street: George Miselbrook
Eating House:
-Mill Lane: Mrs Ann Blackman
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