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A number of local monuments exist as reminders of white civilians killed during the war. These include:

  • the Acton, Minnesota monument to those killed in the attack on the Howard Baker farm,
  • the Guri Endreson monument in the Vikor Lutheran Cemetery near Willmar, Minnesota, and
  • the Brownton, Minnesota monument to the White family.
  • Members of the military killed in action are commemorated by a large stone monument in the parade ground of Fort Ridgely.

A monument in Reconciliation Park in Mankato, Minnesota commemorates the 38 Dakota hanged there. Several stone statues were erected near the site of the hanging in Mankato. Two annual pow-wows are held in remembrance. The Mankato Pow-wow, held each year in September, commemorates the lives of the condemned men, but also seeks to reconcile the white and Dakota communities. The Birch Coulee Pow-wow, held on Labour Day weekend, honours the lives of those who were hanged.

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